Types of body con dresses for types

Types of body con dresses for types of bodies - Dresses For Body Types

B ody type number five, the trapezoid.Now, before I get into how to dress for each of the five body types, gentlemen, I want to lay out three ground rules.Rule number one, dress for the body that you have today.

This is a great segue into my sponsor, Anson Belt.

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So — and by the way, you can actually separate this right here.Go check them out.So, foundation point number two is that your body shape will determine the type of clothing that you want to wear.

If you are a triangle-shaped guy, if you are an oval-shaped guy, that is just going to make you look like a clown.Proportion is key here, gentlemen.Foundation point number three is to seek the norm.

And, that goes back to the question at the very beginning, the answer is what body type is most attractive?Well, it depends on where you live and what is the norm body type.

types of body con dresses for types of bodies

So, the body type in India, the body type in Germany, the body type in Italy, the body type in the United States or in Mexico it changes it depends.Here in the United States, people are going to be more muscular.Interesting though is because as obesity becomes more common, it becomes something viewed as actually con attractive believe it or not.

Dresses can happen early on in life, it can also happen a lot later.It could happen with weight gain, but basically what we see is the hips and the stomach area starts to widen out.If you can build up the shoulders, all of a sudden this is going to transform this body type more into a square and the square is much more masculine than a triangle.

The issue with the triangle, again, it types back to the shoulders.Weak shoulders are viewed as not types so you want to throw on sports jacket, thrown on jackets wear casual suits, throw on blazers, but also bring in denim jackets, bring in other — a leather jacket.

Always think how I kind of in a sense build up this area, can I work casual button up shirt that have epaulettes that may be have the double pockets that have a little bit of embroidery design.You also are going to want to make sure the proportion of your shoes.

The next body type I want to talk about is the inverted triangle.This is the bodybuilder, this is the guy that spends time in the gym and has really built up his upper body.Now, the problem with this, many people for going to say, well, I would love that body and love his problems.

Well, try going to a tailor, I can tell you this is one of the most difficult bodies to tailor a clothing to and a lot of the stuff he puts on, it actually makes his upper body look even bigger and his lower body therefore becomes disproportional and this is what we want to avoid.

So, the guy with this build, he wants to build up his lower body.So, he wants to look at bodies, he wants to look at maybe textured shoes body suede.Avoid skinny jeans, maybe go for a straight cut.

types of body con dresses for types of bodies

Search out jackets especially, you know, there are certain ones may be coming out of Italy or that you can get custom-made which are going to have no padding in here.Now, the next body type is the rectangle body type.

So, this is where you want to add texture.He wants to go for an odd jacket with an odd pair of trousers and what do I mean by that?You can go with jeans, you could go with a sports jacket.So, let me talk about each.

types of body con dresses for types of bodies

We can do that with monochromatic looks.When a big man wears this, he almost always looks great.Now, what you want to avoid is a high contrast outfits.These are your top and bottom areas.

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Now, with the shoes, you want our attention to focus in on the shoes.So, you can wear a great pair of boots not only will those give you a bit of height, but they could draw our attention.The next body type is a trapezoid body type.

This body type needs to take everything has to a tailor to get it perfectly adjusted.You buy the best you can afford.All right, gentlemen, so if you want more, go check out the support article.

In the support article, I go over each of the body types in a lot more detail than I went over them in this video.And, let me know in the comments down below what would you have added, what did I miss, what type of body — what body type do you have and what are your tips and tricks for dressing for that body type.

Finally, gentlemen go check out Anson Belt and Buckle.And take these buckles right here and take all these different straps and you get amazing combinations.I love it because it can fit pretty much any man out there any body type just a great deal, great father-son business here in the United States.

Types of body con dresses for types of bodies Women's Clothing Bodycon

Take care.Body type number one, the triangle.Body type number two, the inverted triangle.Body type number three, the rectangle.Body type number four, the oval.Rule 3 Seek The Norm Foundation point number three is to seek the norm.